Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss Eloise!

Our Sweet Ellie Bean is ONE Year Old Today!

We can't believe how fast time is flying. We've had Eloise home for six months now and today she turned one year old! Eloise has changed so much in the last 6 months and we've enjoyed seeing her grow and progress.

When we brought Eloise home on October 16th, 2012 she was a tiny 13 pound 6 month old who couldn't sit up on her own or bear much weight on her legs. She was lethargic, unresponsive, and didn't make a peep! But little by little we saw her blossom and grow. She started exercising those vocal cords and making her needs known, she became more active, she learned to sit, then crawl, then stand on her own. She started smiling whenever we entered the room. She started crying when we left! She started laughing at her big brother. She started pulling our faces in for a kiss.

Today Eloise is a happy, healthy one year old! She is a giggly little girl who loves to smile and laugh. She thinks her big brother is THE GREATEST thing since sliced bread. She LOVES baby dolls and will pull her doll in for a hug and kiss when she sees it (SO different from Isaiah!). She knows please, thank you, more, all done, and bye bye in sign language. She also knows how to say the words Dada (no Mama yet!), all done, thank you, uh-oh, and poo poo. Her very first word was "hot", the same first word as Isaiah (no, I did not try to make that happen!). 

Eloise is miss speedster in the crawling department. She can get anywhere she wants to go in her walker or by crawling. She walks along furniture and crosses from one piece to the next but no walking on her own yet. She can stand by herself though so it's not far off! She is a climber and loves to climb on the couch and into any little bucket or box she can find.

Little Ellie Bean is a cuddle bug and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!! Isaiah was not a cuddly baby (although he's more snugly now that he's a toddler - go figure!). Eloise will lay her head on your shoulder, pat your back while you hold her, pull your face in for a kiss, and hug you tightly. Some of my favorite times are snuggling with my baby girl! She is such a sweetheart.

Eloise is a pretty laid back baby. Isaiah was a good baby, but Eloise is a great baby! She is a bit more whiny than Isaiah was (a girl thing!?!) but for the most part so content. She can entertain herself for very long periods of time. She also plays well with Isaiah. They have just recently started "playing" together although much of it is still side by side play. But each day I see them interact more. Also, the fighting has already started although it's still few and far between. They will fight in the bathtub over a WASHCLOTH. Seriously?? =)

Eloise is a good sleeper though she doesn't require as much as Isaiah did at this age. She usually sleeps 11-12 hours straight through the night and takes two naps during the day. Can't complain there! She eats a wide variety of foods, still nurses several times a day, and loves her fruits and veggies!

Eloise Ann Hutcheson is our blessing and our Joy. We are so thankful the Lord blessed us with her precious little life. We look forward to the years to come as we watch her grow into the young woman God has planned for her to be!

Happy Birthday Eloise!

The birthday girl!
Eloise: "Umm...this string thing is really getting on my nerves."
"I think I'll just pull it and get it off my face."
"AHHHHHHH! That was a BAD idea!"
Right before she grabbed the cupcake and burned her hand with a little wax!
Trying to convince her that the cupcake was not going to hurt her. After she got burned she was so scared of it! =)
Adelynn being silly and Isaiah thinking she's like the coolest thing ever!
Being goofy.
"Yay! I tried the cupcake and it didn't burn me!"
Frosting kisses for mom.
Nice lipstick Adelynn.
Messy kisses from Daddy.
"Mmmmmm, this cupcake thing is actually pretty GOOD!"
She finally got into it and discovered she loved it! =)
Mr. Cool with his sunglasses.
My two cuties!!!
Can't remember why Isaiah didn't have a shirt
The cute little backpack Eloise got from Meema and Papa .
Isaiah got something from Meema and Papa too!
A little monkey which he LOVES!
Happy birthday sweet girl. Mommy, Daddy, and Isaiah LOVE you!!

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